Archive for August 1st, 2006|Daily archive page


You know it’s been a long friggin’ day when your ‘breakfast’ is a mint julep. God, I hate end users. To my penultimate caller tonight: we don’t support Outlook, deal with it. Threatening to cancel your online service unless I support it just for you, as far as I’m concerned, just removes you from my potential pool of callers, and since you managed to be both a queen bitch and a whining harridan in the course of one call, I won’t miss you.


Whatever rent my employer is paying on this office space, I hope they’re getting a hell of a rebate due to the ease with which we lose power. This is the third time in a month, and while there’s enough juice to keep the computers up, there’s not enough to power the air conditioning. Seeing as how outside it’s 74F with 89% humidity, it’s a friggin’ sauna in here right now. Someone just said it’s 89 inside. Having lots of people in close quarters and a computer on for each one of us does not help.