Archive for October 20th, 2005|Daily archive page


Well, I know I’ll see ataniell93 because I’m collecting her from the airport tomorrow. I expect to further see surakofb5, probably normadesmond, and of course filkertom, and gorgeousgary and his radiant Other Half (who, to the best of my knowledge, is journal-free) … anyone else gonna be at OVFF?

In the grand tradition of the LEGO dulcimer and LEGO harpsichord…

Back To The Lego 2?

Godwilling, the beginning of the end

You know, if this is true and it came after the investigation started, that’s obstruction of justice.

And we know what they do to Presidents who get caught obstructing justice.

Oh, please, let them kick down his door, guns drawn. On live TV.

Even though it’s really just a matter of course, I just love the fact that a Texas court has officially issued an arrest warrant for Tom DeLay.

Heh. Heh. Heh.