Archive for November, 2007|Monthly archive page

I suppose this was inevitable.

In a finite but very large fanbase, there will be at least one person with the creative talent to pull off The Ten Doctors. Page 42 sealed the deal for me. And he’s nowhere near done. XD

Happy (belated) anniversary, Doc … missed it by two days, but I was busy stuffing myself stupid that day…


Oh, jeez… if a production of Spamalot comes anywhere near you, go!!

Decent seat, or at least it would’ve been if a tall head-bobber hadn’t sat in front of me. Next time, I made damn sure that my seat’s in the front row of a section, or is otherwise unobstructed. Every time I positioned myself to see around his stunningly opaque cranium, he sat up and leaned over right in front of me. I shift again to see around him … repeat procedure. For the whole damn show. What I could see that wasn’t obstructed by skull was one of the funniest damn things I’ve ever seen. Highly recommended.

It’s only a model! (Shh!)

I’m going to see Spamalot tomorrow night! Ni!

And in regard to ‘Time Crash’…


I’ve never been a big fan of the Fifth Doctor — Seventh Doctor and Ace, Second Doctor and Jamie, they’re more my speed — but yes.

And Steven Moffatt rocks, even in short-form.

One other thing. I love the new series. I love the new fans it’s brought to the great series; most of the ones I’ve talked to have moved on to discover the original series for themselves. I am annoyed that they call it first, second, third season (sorry, it’s the 27th, 28th and 29th, and we’re heading into the 30th), but that’s Auntie Beeb’s fault.


Nothing annoys me like referring to the Doctors by only their ordinal number. ‘The Chase’ brought together the Fifth and Tenth Doctors, not “Ten and Five”. I miss Christopher Eccleston’s portrayal of the Ninth Doctor, not “Nine”. AAAAUGH!!! Just STOP IT! The Doctor is not a number, he is a free man… Gallifreyan… whatever!

Now why would this make me think of ?

Gee, I wonder what song this reminded me of? Ran into it while surfing the voting site to see if my latest sub made it up there. :)


Car is working now.

Furnace is not. Don’t worry, it’s not like forty or anything ridiculous like that in here. Just a wee bit below normal, generally around 62°-64°. Since it’s a small apartment, I can run the oven in timed bursts to heat up the living space when it goes below that—living room and kitchen being basically one big room. Cats and electric blankets take care of the rest until repairs can be made which should be today or tomorrow. And I tend to keep the place on the cool side anyway, so by no stretch of the imagination is it a crisis or even uncomfortable… but damn. Can’t I have one week that’s not fucked up?

At least this one won’t cost me money.

Here is where annoyance starts

What I should be annoyed about is the fact that my car is broken again, for the second time in as many months.

What I am annoyed about is the premonition I had walking up to it in the parking lot that something was grotesquely wrong with it. I mean, I knew there was something wrong with my car, even though I had just driven it back from the store not an hour beforehand (without incident or symptoms), even though what is wrong with it is utterly and completely not visible externally.

Because I can’t think of a good reason how it is I should’ve known something was about to go awry. It doesn’t fit with my world view. I don’t want to accept premonitions as a real part of the universe, not without a good scientific explanation, and I can’t think of even a passable one at the moment.

Annoying, and ANNOYING.

Had to have my car towed home again.

What I should be annoyed about is the fact that my car is broken again, for the second time in as many months, and I flat can’t afford to have it fixed any time soon.

What I am annoyed about is the premonition I had walking up to it in the parking lot that something was grotesquely wrong with it. I mean, I knew there was something wrong with my car, even though I had just driven it back from the store not an hour beforehand (without incident or symptoms), even though what is wrong with it is utterly and completely not visible externally.

Because I can’t think of a good reason how it is I should’ve known something was about to go awry. It doesn’t fit with my world view. I don’t want to accept premonitions as a real part of the universe, not without a good scientific explanation, and I can’t think of even a passable one at the moment.

The universe can go fuck itself for a while and leave me the hell alone.

It’s all a dream we dreamed one afternoon long ago.

It is absolutely physically impossible to be anywhere other than at total peace with the universe while listening to the Grateful Dead’s “Box of Rain”. I am right now the happiest camper on the planet.

American Beauty is the most wonderful album ever recorded.

I’m the gift that keeps on giving!

William Shakespeare

A trdsf on both your houses!

Which work of Shakespeare was the original quote from?

Get your own quotes:

Had from … XD